Wednesday 28 January 2009

Ekspose Desain Kota Kreatif

Review exposure of Creative Design and Marketing Forum Discussion The Bandung City Auditorium Rosada 2 May 2008
May 5, 2008 in Reviews Tags: Creative City, Discussion, Government by projektheterologia No comments
On Friday, 2 May 2008 on the past, Sekertariat Area (Sekda) Bandung City Government organized a meeting that discusses the exposure of the city's creative design and discussion of the formation of Forum Marketing, Bandung. Located in the Auditorium Rosada, this meeting presents speakers Ir. H. Ridwan Kamil, M. Ur. D. and Popy Rufaidah, SE. MBA. Ph.D. Each present some exposure on the development plan of Bandung Creative City Project and the establishment of the plan Marketing Forum in Bandung.
Besides attended by H. Dada Rosada, SH, M. Si (the mayor of Bandung), the event was also attended by various participants who came from various government officials, representatives of several non-governmental institutions and the business in the city of Bandung. Among participants who attended the meeting is Dr. H. Edi Siswadi, Msi (Sekda City Government of Bandung), H. Syafik Umar (President Director Pikiran Rakyat), Hendy Hertiasa (Designers / members Bandung Creative City Forum), etc..
In this event, Ir. H. Ridwan Kamil, M. Ur. D. Emil called a regular opportunity to get exposure first with a vision to make the city as a creative city. The palpable, Emil and provide exposure to a variety of economic development and creative relation to the development of policies and infrastructure development of the city. Three things are emphasized in the presentation are some efforts to support the development of creative culture in the city of Bandung, in addition to developing infrastructure and economic development of a creative city development policy aspects of the creativity and involvement of the citizens.
In presentation, explained how this city is a cosmopolitan city that has some capital into the potential basis for the development of the city's creative international. Besides the existence of a number of universities, the city community that is open and tolerant at least allows the city to continue to adapt to change and innovation. This of course can be more developed when the activities of the citizens can be supported through the development of policies and creation of environment that can be said of the city needs citizens.
As one of efforts to encourage the development of creative cities, Emil and invite the city government to support various activities of the citizens who strive to support the development of the creative world in the city. In addition to the potential base that has been owned by the city, this city's creative development activities have also been getting some support from the community and the organizations that joined in the creative city network that connects several cities such as Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Hanoi, Hong Kong , Taipei, London, Auckland, Istambul, Bogota and Glasgow. Planned development of the city's creative momentum akan start deselenggarakan in the year 2008 which will be in the Helar Festival 2008.
Emil after the exposure, the event continued with the presentation delivered by Popy Rufaidah, SE. MBA. Ph.D. plan the establishment of the Marketing Forum in Bandung. In paparannya, described how the plan the establishment of this forum have actually dirintis for some time past. The establishment of this forum is intended primarily to encourage the creation of the business climate and a healthy economic development in the city of Bandung. Through this forum, it is expected that various economic potential of the city can be used for everything.
In practice, the Marketing Forum in Bandung akan mengembangan focus on activities in a network that can build the business climate and investment in the economy. In addition, this forum will always develop research activities that attempted to develop the economic potential and resources which are owned by the city of Bandung. In this opportunity also discussed various aspects related to the efforts and the establishment of a forum keterkaitannya with the various policies that have been developed by the government for this city.
After the presentation session H. Dada Rosada, SH, M. Si as the mayor of Bandung to give a short speech that essentially provide support for the idea to make Bandung as a creative city and the efforts to form Marketing Forum in Bandung. He hopes the various plans have been developed that can be realized as soon as possible with the right approach. This then direspon directly by Dr. H. Edi Siswadi, Msi Sekertaris as the City Government of Bandung akan various follow-up discussion that developed in the discussion to be policy tools that reflect the government's support of the city directly.
Authors: H. Gustaff Iskandar

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